Academic Consulting
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Our Harris Brand Edu Academic Advisor will meet and consult with students seeking to graduate high school and secure scholarships for college or university in both Canada and the United States; HB advisors will play a crucial role in guiding students through their academic journey.  Our advisors will assist students with the selection of the right courses, meet graduation requirements, and maintain the grades needed to be competitive for scholarships.

Additionally, our HB advisors will assist in researching scholarship opportunities, both academic and athletic, ensure that students meet application deadlines and criteria, provide support/s in preparing for standardized tests, writing personal statements, and navigating the application processes for Canadian and U.S. institutions, which ultimately will help students position themselves for success in higher education.

Advisor Support:

  • Initial in-depth interview
  • Review academic and athletic records
  • Analyze transcript
  • Develop an athletic timeline
  • How to plan your college visit
  • Make sure students’ ability to play at the correct level is properly assessed
  • Guidance on Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA), U Sports, Ontario University Athletics (OUA), & National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules and regulation

Package Add-Ons

Additional Cost per Item

  • Create an athletic profile and proper marketing of student to stand out among peers
  • Guidance on highlight video production
  • Create marketing strategies to promote strengths of student
  • Assistance with finding athletic and academic scholarship opportunities
  • Monthly phone/Microsoft Teams meetings throughout the process

Academic Consulting Form